Author: Electronic Products

All posts by Electronic Products below:

Statistics package is low in cost

Statistics package is low in cost The Statistical Analysis Software package contains over 500 statistical and graphical algorithms. It includes a data manipulation front

Thermal analysis software runs on PCs

Thermal analysis software runs on PCs BETAsoft is a thermal analysis software package for multichip modules, hybrids, and pc boards. The package can analyze aContinue

Sync/async board runs at 1 Mbit/s

Sync/async board runs at 1 Mbit/s The ACB-VI is a PC/XT/AT-compatible communications board with a 1-Mbit/s sync/async port, a user-selectable interface, and one async

Credit-card-size board is PC compatible

Credit-card-size board is PC compatible The GCAT is a PC-compatible board in a 3.4 x 2.6-in. format. Designed for low-power, embedded applications, the board isContinue

SBC has built-in sound port

SBC has built-in sound port The Blue Jay is a single-board computer for embedded-control applications. Measuring 7.5 x 5 x 0.7 in., the board isContinue

Bitbus controller replaces Intel 44/10

Bitbus controller replaces Intel 44/10 Intended as a low-cost replacement for the Intel 44/10, the DIP335/44 Bitbus-compatible digital controller comes with a C compiler
