Author: Electronic Products

All posts by Electronic Products below:

IEEE-488 interface for HP workstations

IEEE-488 interface for HP workstations The SCSI488/H is the first IEEE-488 (HPIB) interface for the HP Model 705 and Model 710 workstations. The SCSI488/H

Product Update: A/D and D/A converters

UPDATE.SEP--rp Product Update: A/D and D/A converters Here is a sampling of recently introduced converter ICs 8-bit flash A/D and triple D/A for video The VP101 is

SIGGRAPH moves toward software

OL2.SEP– RM SIGGRAPH SIGGRAPH moves toward software The latest in rendering engines, portable libraries, and displays shared space at SIGGRAPH '92 with virtual

VHDL libraries offer source-level models

VHDL libraries offer source-level models The VHDL SourceModel Libraries comprise source-level models of popular standard logic and memory components. The Small Scale

ABEL update adds new device support

ABEL update adds new device support Version 4.2 of ABEL Design Software and ABEL-FPGA Design Software offers product enhancements as well as device support forContinue

Design-capture tools offer flexibility

Design-capture tools offer flexibility Design Expressions comprises multidescription design-capture tools to facilitate technology-independent designs. It allows

2-D solver for high-frequency designs

2-D solver for high- frequency designs The RLGC Parameter Generator is a high-accuracy 2-D electromagnetic field solver that supports transmission line simulation for

Signal integrity tool is improved

Signal integrity tool is improved XTK Version 5.0–which predicts the effects of crosstalk and other signal distortions on the performance of ICs and pc
