NASA satellite spots missing UK robot on Mars after 12 years lost The Beagle-2 has been missing for 12 years. Now, NASA's orbiter discovered it and it's still
USB wall charger captures the keys you’re typing on your Microsoft keyboard The $10 device leaves wireless keyboard users susceptible to attackers stealing sensitive information without them even
Flexible lithium battery works even when you cut it, bend it, twist it Start snipping this battery with a scissor and it will still
Image of the Day: Disney’s turtle-like robot creates huge sand art BeachBot will set out to draw enormous sand
10 Old-school computer ads that prove just how far tech has come Some of these ads may provoke a chuckle. Want to know how far technology has come? Just look through these vintage
New surge protection device modules for outdoor LED lighting applications These two product lines were designed to provide transient overvoltage protection for outdoor and commercial LED lighting
Bill Gates drinks water made from feces, proves his tech works Watch as Bill Gates drinks water that was human waste five minutes earlier to prove that waste repurposing really
Infographic: How Internet access has changed over the past 45 years Would you believe it would have taken up to seven days to download a movie with ARPANET? Look how far Internet access has
Image of the Day: NASA spots holiday lights on Earth from space If you notice around this time of year, plenty of homes are covered in holiday lights. As it turns out, the world’s holiday lights are so bright that NASA can spot