
Avnet Electronics Marketing Americas Releases New Wi-Go Module, Videos and SpeedWay Seminar Series

August 26, 2013: Today, Avnet Electronics Marketing Americas, a business region of Avnet, Inc. (NYSE: AVT), released an enhanced Wi-Go Module, a wireless accessory module for the Freescale Freedom development platform, the FRDM-KL25Z, along with new training support.

Created by Avnet engineers, this updated wireless development board offers a number of new features including enhanced smart phone modeling and integrated cloud computing support. In support of the Wi-Go board, Avnet is offering five new capabilities videos, will be holding a SpeedWay technical seminar series in 24 locations throughout North America, and will sponsor the “Avnet Wi-Go Design Challenge” contest. For more information on the Wi-Go Module, visit To see videos, visit To learn more about the upcoming SpeedWay seminars, visit

“As more wireless systems are linked into smart phones and cloud-based computing, we updated our wireless development platform to offer better support for these key technologies,” said Jim Carver, technical director, Avnet Electronics Marketing. “We’ve designed the Wi-Go Module, our training videos and the upcoming SpeedWay technical seminars to offer design teams a comprehensive set of tools to design wireless systems. These seminars will give engineers a great opportunity to understand how today’s wireless landscape works, and get their wireless products to market as quickly as possible.”

“The combination of Avnet’s Wi-Go module with Freescale’s freedom boards and software is the first step for a true Internet of Things wireless module that can be enabled via data fusion and context aware intelligent sensors,” says Babak Taheri, vice president and general manager of Freescale’s Sensor Solutions Division. “Examples of Internet of Things context aware applications requiring the combination of Freescale’s MPL3115 Altimeter, MAG 3110 magnetometer, Accelerometer connected by Wi-Fi include real-time location-based services, remote activity monitoring, remote asset management, and multi-user applications.”

The Avnet Wi-Go Module:

With an 800mA/h battery, the Avnet Wi-Go Module can be self-powered for days while facilitating portable data acquisition for the on-board sensor system. The Wi-Go Module is a companion to the Freescale Freedom development platform, featuring the Kinetis® L series microcontroller (MKL25Z128VLK4) and Avnet Getting Started Guide.

In addition to its original powerful feature set, the enhanced Wi-Go Module includes:
• A SmartConfig feature for easy network configuration from a smart phone
• Wi-Fi connectivity to Android applications
• A free Freescale Xtrinsic™ sensor fusion toolbox application
• A fully functional tilt compensated eCompass
• A free connection to Avnet’s Exosite cloud services for up to 2 devices
• All source code has been restructured to allow development with the free version of Keil MDK
• An upgraded web server
• Wi-Go enabled on mbed
• A free cloud-based compiler

Wireless Training Videos and SpeedWay™ Design Seminars

To assist designers in creating Wi-Go-based wireless applications, Avnet is offering a five-video series outlining the capabilities of Wi-Go. Videos include:
• Introduction to the Wi-Go
• Xtrinsic Sensor Fusion on Wi-Go
• Cloud Capabilities of Wi-Go
• Web Server and Network Configuration for Wi-Go
• Training Opportunities with Wi-Go

Avnet will complement the video series by offering the “Connecting the Internet of Things using TI Wireless Technology” SpeedWay design seminars at 24 locations throughout North America. The full-day seminars are designed to help customers use the Wi-Go to kick-start the development of Wi-Fi, BT/BTLE and 802.15.4 enabled Internet of Things (IoT) applications. For more information or to register for the SpeedWay seminar, go to

Enter the Avnet Wi-Go Design Challenge:
In conjunction with the SpeedWay seminars, Avnet Electronics Marketing is launching the “Avnet Wi-Go Design Challenge” contest. Design engineers are encouraged to use their creativity and create a wireless application using the Avnet Wi-Go Board and Freescale Freedom development platform. Prizes include an 11-inch Apple MacBook Air, an Apple iPad 2, an Apple iPod and $50.00 gift certificates to shop on Full contest details are here:  


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