If you are designing a machine that “sees,” then look for Avnet Electronics Marketing, an operating group of Avnet, Inc. (NYSE:AVT) at the Embedded Vision Summit on October 2-3, 2013. Avnet will host two hands-on workshops, deliver the featured “Targeting Computer Vision Algorithms to Microprocessors,” and offer three product demonstrations at the show.
The Embedded Vision Summit is a technical educational forum for engineers interested in incorporating visual intelligence into electronic systems and software. The summit will be held at the Regency Inn and Conference Center in Westford, Mass.
“With emerging technology to enable high-quality embedded vision applications, embedded vision is becoming pervasive,” said Jim Beneke, vice president of global technical marketing for Avnet Electronics Marketing. “The Embedded Vision Summit is an excellent venue for Avnet to offer design engineers the strategies, technologies and product solutions that they need to differentiate their products by incorporating vision.”
Engineers: Learn to Design Machines that See! Workshops On October 3, Avnet, along with other members of the Embedded Vision Alliance, will cohost a two-workshop session titled Engineers: Learn to Design Machines that See! that is designed to help design engineers jumpstart their vision applications.
• At the Blackfin Embedded Vision Starter Kit Hands-On Workshop, Analog Devices, Avnet Electronics Marketing and BDTI will present a workshop exploring hardware and software for image processing and video analytics, featuring the Avnet/Analog Devices Embedded Vision Starter Kit. This workshop is an excellent starting point for vision application developers interested in exploring a wide range of embedded vision applications.
• In the Zynq-7000/Vivado Smarter Vision Hands-On Workshop, Avnet Electronics Marketing and Xilinx will present a workshop introducing SoC application development, with a specific focus on embedded vision using the Xilinx Vivado Design Suite to target the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC. An OpenCV example will be used to demonstrate how a software implementation of an embedded vision application can be accelerated by building a custom hardware accelerator on the Zynq SoC’s programmable fabric, achieving 1080P60 at 1W power consumption.
“Targeting Computer Vision Algorithms to Microprocessors” Featured Presentation On October 2 at 3:30 p.m., Avnet Technical Marketing Engineer Mario Bergeron will outline the challenges design engineers need to consider when adding computer vision to an embedded product. Using a simple OpenCV (open computer vision open source library) example running on a high-definition video stream, he will identify the challenges and bottlenecks that can be expected with standard processors. He will then explore several options that can optimize the computations and external memory accesses in order to save power and reduce cost.
Avnet product demonstrations
On October 2, summit attendees can see how Avnet has created real-world applications for three of its latest development boards. Avnet technical experts will be demonstrating:
• OpenCV Development using MicroZed: The demonstration showcases Ubuntu desktop Linux running on MicroZed and the 7” Zed Industrial Touch Display Kit, including OpenCV applications running with a webcam.
• Analog Devices Blackfin Embedded Vision Starter Kit: Finding Objects in Live Video. This demonstration showcases the BF609’s Vision Pipelined Processor (PVP) in a vision application which counts the dots on dice in real time.
• Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC: Your Programmable SoC Vision Platform. The demonstration showcases OpenCV functions accelerated for a 1080P60 camera on ZedBoard.
To register for the Embedded Vision Summit or workshops, or get more information about presentations, visit www.embedded-vision.com/summit/oct2013/overview.
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