
Battery News

We continue to see alternative energy development with the latest being new funding by the Norwegian Research Council granting Eltek ASA about $1.15M to develop energy storage solution for smart grids. The grant will be for 2 years and will exploit Eltek’s grid inverter competence and involve research partners in Norway and the Center for Power Electronics Systems at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The research will look into how large power plants transport electricity without any smarts and how more flexibility can be built into the demand-response to reduce bottlenecks. This is where batteries come in. They can behave as consumers when needed or as electricity producers. Typically, batteries have been too expensive and used only for storage. The research will figure out how to increase the intelligence of the battery systems and lower the costs. For more information

Upcoming battery and fuel cell events

The Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition takes place Nov. 10-13, 2014 at the Westin Bonaventure Downtown Los Angeles, CA. For more information

The International Conference on Li Battery Power show Nov. 11–12 at the Capital Hilton in Washington DC, co-located with the Battery Safety show from Nov. 13-14. For more information

Energy Harvesting and Storage show Nov. 19-20, Santa Clara, CA Convention Center. For more information

European Electric Vehicle Congress Dec. 2-5 in Brussels, Belgium at the Diamant Center. For more information

Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Jan. 26-29, 2015, Mainz, Germany. For more information

Rechargeable Battery Expo , Feb. 25-27, Tokyo, Japan. For more information

Battery Seminar and Exhibit March 9-12; Broward County Convention Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more information  

Developer Forum Battery Technologies , March 24-26, Stadthalle Aschaffenburg, Germany. For more information

Battery China , June 3-5, Beijing, China. For more information

Advanced Automotive Battery Conference , June 15-19, Detroit Marriott. For more information


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