
Bluetooth earbud lets user choose the way it works

Bluetooth earbud lets user choose the way it works

Tiny headset improves sound quality and works with or without cell phone

Said to be the first device of its kind to permit users personalization, the tiny SM100 EarModule Bluetooth headset lets users set its sound performance to meet their needs. Not only does the 1 x 1.75-in. 0.4-oz device offer three signal-level/processing modesnormal, moderate, and strongthat can be selected at the push of a button, but it also has three operating modesMobile, EnvironmentalMode, and One2One.

In Mobile mode, the device works with a cell phone to optimize two-way conversations, while in EnvironmentalMode, the earbud amplifies surrounding sound when the user is not on a cell phone call, letting both ears to work together and eliminating the occluded effect associated with traditional headsets. Referred to as the NoiseNavigation System, the adaptive technology determines the loudness, frequency, pitch, and tempo of incoming sound so the headset can initiate appropriate damping or amplification.

The adaptive system also works in One2One mode, where the device can link to another SM100 EarModule to form a two-way Bluetooth radio connection. The Class II Bluetooth V1.2 unit has a range of up to 33 ft.

The headset, which runs on 4.2-V Li-ion battery that fully recharges in about 3 hours from a 120/240-V charger, has RealComfort EarLoops to ensure comfort with extended use. ($129.99available now.)

Sound ID , Palo Alto , CA
Information 650-384-3000


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