
Bluetooth® SMART READY / Bluetooth® SMART ICs block diagrams

Toshiba - Bluetooth Smart ICs blk diagrams

Bluetooth® Smart Ready and Bluetooth® Smart, new extensions of Bluetooth, are widely used by mobile, wearable and healthcare devices and their peers for short-distance wireless communication. Bluetooth Smart Ready and Bluetooth Smart devices will become increasingly pervasive in the years ahead. Toshiba has been serving as a Bluetooth SIG*1 Promoter for over ten years, contributing to the wider uptake of Bluetooth solutions. Toshiba has offered not only Bluetooth-compliant ICs but also original Bluetooth communication protocols and profiles. At present, Toshiba's Bluetooth IC portfolio includes the TC35661 Bluetooth Smart Ready IC, and the TC35667 and TC35670 Bluetooth Smart ICs.

 • Has the capability to realize Bluetooth® Smart applications
 • Incorporates Bluetooth® profiles
 • Reliable interoperability
 • Suitable for low-cost, small-footprint applications
 • Reference design available
 • Automotive grade

 • Has the capability to realize Bluetooth® Smart applications
 • Low-power control using a combination of Toshiba-original circuit and firmware
 • Has the capability to execute user application software
 • Various Sleep modes
 • Supports all GATT services
 • NFC Forum Type 3 Tag (TC35670)
 • NFC Bluetooth handover (TC35670)
 • Suitable for applications requiring low-power consumption
 • Suitable for low-cost single-chip (standalone) applications
 • Reference design available

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