
Brightest LED targets vehicle headlights

The LED for vehicle headlights, which has a luminance three times that of existing versions, was introduced at Vision Congress in Paris on Oct. 14 and 15. A single LED can be used to provide a complete low beam where several chips were needed in the past, depending on the design and the type of LEDs used. The increased brightness is the result of a combination of UX:3 chip technology, ceramic conversion technology and high-current technology used in projection applications. This allows for much smaller headlight designs – with every lighting function smaller than a box of matches.


A low beam unit measuring only 30 mm x 50 mm and generating 1400 lumen from a single LED chip as its light source could be a reality in only a few years’ time thanks to this LED developed by Osram experts. At 200 mega candelas per m², the LED has three times the luminance of existing LEDs and loses less than ten percent of its intensity, even at high operating temperatures of 85° C.

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    Headlight functions that are smaller than a box of matches can soon be a reality thanks to the new LED prototypes from Osram Opto Semiconductors. (Picture: Osram)


    “Osram applied its extensive experience in projection applications to combine the high-current technology with UX:3 chip technology and ceramic conversion technology, which is standard practice for white headlight LEDs“, said Stefan Grötsch, Senior Key Expert at Osram Opto Semiconductors.


    Even the special mounting technology based on the Osram Ostar platform was transferred from projection to this automotive application, soldering the chip directly to the copper. The large amount of heat produced as a result of the high output is dissipated more easily, which in turn greatly improves the thermal connection.


    The path to series production

    The high brightness values were measured in the laboratory but should be achieved soon by series production LEDs. Used with laser technology, which produces very high luminance, a series LED could lead to extremely compact headlight solutions, expanding the Osram product portfolio.


The distribution of light under laboratory conditions indicates that the relevant standards for a single LED for low beams will be met. (Picture: Osram)

It is conceivable that headlights will become ultra-compact, comprised of only a laser high beam and LED low beam, and that other automotive applications, such as interior lighting and new types of head-up display, will follow. These displays can project important information directly onto the windshield, such as video of the area directly in front of the car or navigation instructions, and will be more vivid and graphic than existing systems. This will classify them as “augmented reality” displays because they enrich the viewing experience with additional information and create a fresh impression of reality.

About Osram Opto Semiconductors

OSRAM, with its headquarters in Munich, is one of the two leading lighting manufacturers in the world. Its subsidiary, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH in Regensburg (Germany), offers its customers solutions based on semiconductor technology for lighting, sensor and visualization applications. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors has production sites in Regensburg (Germany), Penang (Malaysia) and Wuxi (China). Its headquarters for North America is in Sunnyvale (USA). Its headquarters for the Asia region is in Hong Kong. OSRAM Opto Semiconductors also has sales offices throughout the world. For more information go to


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