The MAX8989 step-down converter powers PA modules in mobile phones. It provides a single power supply all PA modules in a system. It supports LTE, WCDMA, GSM, and EDGE data communication protocols.
The dc/dc converter suits converged (multimode) PAs. It integrates a high-efficiency switching regulator with a parallel bypass LDO. Controlling the PA supply voltage to meet transmission-power requirements extends 2G talk time by up to 25% and 3G talk time by up to 10%. The MAX8989 supports up to 2.5 A, making it an excellent choice for powering GSM/EDGE PAs. It is fully specified over the 40 to 85C temperature range, and offered in a 1.6 x 1.6 x 0.69-mm, 9-bump wafer-level package (WLP). (From $1.92 ea/1,000 available now.)
By Paul O’Shea
Maxim Integrated Products , Sunnyvale , CA
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