A line of hand-formable cable assemblies can bend into a desired shape without tools and will retain that form with minimal memory effects. The assemblies provide typical insertion loss of 0.7 dB/ft at 20 GHz for a 0.141-in.-diameter cable, and typical VSWR is 1.13:1 at 18 GHz.
The assemblies use a PTFE dielectric to minimize signal losses and incorporate a copper-tin composite outer conductor to achieve shielding effectiveness of more than 100 dB. They are available in both standard and custom lengths with the same connector choices as for semi-rigid cable assemblies, including anti-torque connectors, SMA, 7/16, BNC, N, and TNC connectors. (2 to 12-in. lengths with SMA connectors, from $8.39 each — available now.)
Electronic Assembly Manufacturing , Methuen , MA
Steve Pessinis 978-374-6840
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