The MIC2873/MIC2874 camera flash LED drivers integrate a 1.2-A boost converter and LED driver circuit into a 9-pin, 1.3 x 1.3-mm chip scale package. Operating from 2.7 to 5.5 V and features up to 92% efficiency, these solutions suit Li-ion battery operated portable applications such as phone cameras, tablet computers, handset video equipment, and digital cameras.
Switching (2 MHz for the MIC2873 and 4 MHz for the MIC2874 LED drivers) allow for the use of a miniature size chip inductor and small input/output capacitors, reducing the total power footprint to a solution size to 2 . In addition, frequencies these devices can operate in either a flash or torch mode with the ability to provide a boost or linear output using a single wire communication interface or through external pins. The MIC2873/MIC2874 are available from $0.26/$0.30 each/1,000, respectively. Samples can be ordered on line at:
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