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So long, ol’ pal

So long, ol' pal It looks like that the days allotted to a friend of mine are drawing to a close, and the fact thatContinue

SPDT switch offers high isolation

Suited for base station applications where synthesizer isolation is critical, the SKY13286-359LF pHEMT GaAs FET IC switch features an . .

VCXO targets space apps

Radiation tolerant to 100-kRads(Si) total dose, the 5116 VCXO expands the capabilities of industry-standard MIL-PRF-55310/27 clock oscillators into the . .

No alternative to energy

No alternative to energy Alternative energy sources are the buzz right now, with developers trying to generate power using sources from fuel cells to windContinue

Hey EEs! Simplify my life, please!

Hey EEs! Simplify my life, please! In a recent CNet article, Philips North America CEO Paul Zeven posed the question, “Do people need the gizmosContinue

31st Annual Product of the Year Awards

From the thousands of products introduced in 2006, the editors of Electronic Products – after many hours of discussion and debate – have chosen theContinue

Forever young

Forever young Happy birthday to us. With this issue Electronic Products begins its Golden Anniversary year. We're 50, and while a mature magazine can sufferContinue

Rude electronics?

Can't something be done to make listening and speaking on a cell phone more

A worthy undertaking

A worthy undertaking As Editorial Director of this publication one of my tasks is to make certain our content evolves with the needs of theContinue
