2024 Product of the Year award winners

From thousands of products, the editors of Electronic Products have chosen those they feel are among the most outstanding. As always, the selection is based on a significant advance in technology or its application, innovation in design, or gain in price/performance.

The future of the test bench

The VirtualBench from National Instruments is the first "all-in-one" benchtop tool  that uses today’s universal user interfaces — laptop PCs and tablets —

Goodbye TWT, hello GaN

API Technologies' QBS-609 1-kW pulsed power amplifier — the first cost-effective replacement for high-power, pulsed travelling wave tubes — is a boon for both

Always on for inside navigation

Addressing the needs of mobiles, wearables, and IoT nodes, the LSM6DS3 six-axis accelerometer/gyroscope combo from STMicroelectronics delivers reliable in-building

Uniting the measurement universe

Fluke Connect commercially integrates measurement equipment, test-data management, smartphones, and Cloud technology into a single system for the first

A full VNA in a single PXI slot

The Keysight Technologies’ M937XA series dual-port PXI VNA shirks the size and cost of vector network analyzers, but not the performance, to make VNAs easily available
