SCOPES.AUG–wy 100-MHz oscilloscopes abound Here's a survey of traditional, portable analog and digital scopes BY WARREN YATES Associate Editor A wide selection
ARB has Windows-style interface The Model 295 arbitrary waveform generator (ARB) features up to four 50-MHz synthesized channels and a mouse-controlled, Windows-style
Board interfaces 32-bit buses to IEEE-488 The Digital 488/32/OEM is a 4 x 4-in. 32-I/O-line interface board that enables data transfers between the IEEE-488 busContinue
Portable calibrator is 5 instruments in 1 The Model E-35B portable, battery-powered calibrator performs as a thermocouple and RTD simulator, decade resistance box, and
TRANS.AUG–Parsytec–PM Transputer-based parallel-processing boards High speed and flexibility make them ideal for number crunching, industrial control, and
UPDATE.AUG--RP Product Update: High-performance op amps Here is a sampling of recently introduced amplifiers and buffers offering above-average performance Amp is
Programmable filter is also 50-MHz amplifier The Model 3955 low-pass Butterworth dual-channel filter has a tunable cutoff frequency range from 170 Hz to 25 MHz,Continue
Matching amplifiers with A/D converters Selecting the right amplifier to drive an A/D can dramatically improve system performance, especially at higher resolutions BY