Due to the prevalence of Internet, cloud has affected the way people receive emails, connect to social networks, chat with a friend, watch a self-made Youtube video, download mobile apps, purchase tickets and goods online, just to list a few.
This report provides an overview development of cloud computing and examines deployment strategies of established players such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Yahoo, Cisco, Oracle, HP, Apple, EMC, SAP, Symantec. Also included are R&D intensity ranking of 30 major assignees and the in-depth analysis of the 10 most important cloud computing patents.
List of Topics
Overview of the cloud computing technology, including Saas, PaaS, and IaaS
Read Complete Report with TOC @ http://www.radiantinsights.com/research/cloud-computing-technology-business-opportunity-and-patent-analysis
Major technology fields and sectors identified using data mining; also included are top 30 assignees, their patent deployment, and R&D intensity
Detailed analysis of the 10 most important cloud computing patent assignees' deployment by technology fields
Analysis of deployment strategies of established players such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Yahoo, Cisco, Oracle, HP, Apple, EMC, SAP, and Symantec
List of Tables
Table 1: Key Technology Fields Identified Using Text Mining Table 2: R&D Intensity of Top 30 Cloud Computing Patent Assignees Table 3: The Top 10 Cloud Computing Patents and Their Assignees13 Table 4: Matrix Analysis of the 10 Most Important Cloud Computing Patents Table 5: Important Assignees' Deployment in Cloud Computing by Technology Fields
List of Figures
Figure 1: Illustration of Cloud Computing Service Business Model Figure 2: Search Flow for Cloud Computing Patents Figure 2: Cloud Computing Patent Distribution Share by Sector Figure 3: Cloud Computing Patent Distribution Share by Field
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