The IXZ4DF12N100 is a CMOS high speed high current gate driver and a MOSFET combination specifically designed Class D and E, HF and RF applications at up to 30 MHz, as well as other applications. The IXZ4DF12N100 in pulse mode can provide 72 A of peak current while producing voltage rise and fall times of less than 5 ns, and minimum pulse widths of 8 ns.
The input of the driver is fully immune to latch up over the entire operating range. Designed with small internal delays, the IXZ4DF12N100 is suitable for higher power operation where combiners are used. Its features and wide safety margin in operating voltage and power make the IXZ4DF12N100 unmatched in performance and value. The IXZ4DF12N100 is packaged in a low inductance RF package incorporating RF layout techniques to minimize stray lead inductance for optimum switching performance. The IXZ4DF12N100 is a surface-mountable device.
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