
Codec/SLCC supports FXS

The N681386 single programmable extended codec/SLCC implements a single-channel FXS (foreign exchange station) telephone line interface optimized for short loop applications. It integrates SLCC functionality with a programmable codec and a dc/dc controller. Due to its unique architecture, temperature is distributed evenly across the design, ensuring that no hot spots develop within end user systems keeping the complete FXS solution below 86°F for a typical configuration.

In conjunction with external circuitry, the part supports internal ringing up to 90 V peak, loop test and diagnostics, PCM and SPI bus digital interfaces, a sampling rate of 8 kHz, and an on-chip PLL for flexible clocking options including 1 MHz/2 MHz. Housed in LQFP-48 and QFN-48 packages, the part offers an on-chip PWM driver and programmable impedance and transhybrid balancing. (Call company for pricing — available now.)

Nuvoton Technology , San Jose , CA
Frank Dowling 408-544-1718 ext.1679


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