Once upon a time there lived a unicorn, a knight and a fairy. The unicorn loved the knight. One summer's morning the fairy stole the sword from the knight. As a result, the knight didn't have the sword. The knight felt distress that he didn't have the sword anymore. The knight felt anger towards the fairy about stealing the sword because he didn't have the sword anymore. The unicorn and the knight started to hate the fairy.
What did you think of that story? Because it’s not bad, for the first attempt of an artificially created computer program who has trouble unraveling emotions. Developed by researchers at Australia’s University of New South Wales, the program is still in its early stages.
Known as the Moral Storytelling System, or MOSS, the program combines as many as 22 different emotions in order to produce more emotionally realistic fables than previous programs. According to MOSS co-creator and UNSW Phd candidate Margaret Sarlej, storytelling is not a skill natural to computers.
“Most people can tell a story without having to consciously think about what goes into it — the characters, events, sequencing, language and level of detail,” said Sarlej on CNET. “That's an innate talent that computers just don't have. They need detailed instructions for every step of the process, which is not easy to provide when, to a large extent, we don't even understand how people do it.”
According to MOSS developer, artificial intelligence expert and Australian Research Fellow Dr. Malcom Ryan, MOSS is an “important step-up for what these artificially intelligent storytelling programs can do.”
The program took quite a couple years to develop, starting with Ryan’s 2007 attempt to have a computer read, understand, and replicate a page from “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” At the time, this was a bit beyond artificial intelligence, and Ryan and Sarlej have definitely made progress.
Keep it up, MOSS: the key to becoming a good writer is practice, practice, practice.
Source CNET