
Confirmed: Why the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 kept exploding

After two recalls and months after killing off its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, the South Korean company explains what went wrong

It’s fair to say that Samsung didn’t have the best 2016, but it will not go down in flames. After a long investigation, the Korean company has finally figured out what was causing its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones to explode. With an answer confirmed, the company has taken steps to avoid a repeat performance and is focusing on salvaging customer confidence in the Samsung brand.

In September 2016, just a month after the phone was available to purchase, Samsung recalled its first batch of Galaxy Note 7 devices and sent replacements. Unfortunately, those replacements came with the same fiery problems, which led to Samsung having no choice but to put down the Galaxy Note 7 once and for all. Although there are some left out in the great big world, Samsung is doing its best to render all remaining Galaxy Note 7 devices unusable. 


The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 during the calm before the storm. Image source: CNET.

So, what was wrong with this high-tech, modernized phone that so many people were once waiting to get their hands on? To cut to the chase: it was the batteries, as many suspected. As soon as it was clear that the Galaxy Note 7 was a dangerous device, Samsung commissioned an inquiry into what went wrong. Both internal and independent investigations found that the batteries were wholly to blame.

But, there’s more to it than just that. There were actually two separate issues at play.

The first issue, which affected batteries manufactured by Samsung SDI, happened because the battery casing was too small, causing the negative electrodes to bend. This increased the risk of the battery short-circuiting and a thermal runaway occurring.

The second issue, which affected batteries manufactured by ATL, happened because of sharp burrs created during the welding process. Once the electrodes expanded and contracted, the burrs penetrated insulation layers, which increased the risk of the battery short-circuiting.

Putting out the flames and making amends

Of course, Samsung promises to make amends. In addition to explaining what went wrong with the Galaxy Note 7, Samsung upped its commitment to safety. According to a press release from the company, it has “re-assessed every step of the smartphone manufacturing process and developed the eight-point battery-safety check.” This involves putting batteries through extreme testing, inside and out, followed by inspection by X-ray and the human eye.

By putting itself out there and explaining what went wrong, Samsung has taken the first steps toward forgiveness and deserves credit for being honest.

Did you purchase a Samsung Galaxy Note 7? Did you give it up? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Samsung


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