Control chip for switching regulators
The LT1432 is a control chip designed for use with the company's
LT1170/1270 switching regulators to make a 5-V step-down switching
regulator with up to 90% efficiency. It features a low-power sleep mode
for systems with sleep/resume. The LT1432 includes a current limit that
uses 60 mV of sense voltage and “free” pc-board trace material for the
sense resistor. In addition, the device has logic-controlled electronic
shutdown, which draws 15 microamps of battery current, and an optional
burst mode for light loads. The LT1432 operates with 6 to 30-V inputs and
uses a 25 to 50-μH inductor. It comes in 8-pin DIPs and SO packages.
(From $2.35 ea/100–stock to 60 days ARO.) Linear Technology Corp.
Milpitas, CA Information 800-637-5545 Fax 408-434-0507