
Converter provides 60- or 125-W outputs

The UMW Series SMT-based, high-voltage dc/dc power supply modules use proprietary power conversion technology and high voltage packaging techniques providing five voltage ranges from 8 to 20 kV in either 60- or 125-W outputs. The modules support a 24-Vdc input.

Converter provides 60- or 125-W outputs

The modules are arc and short-circuit protected. They offer an optional enhanced interface that provides current programming capability and positive polarity, buffered, low output impedance, as well as voltage- and current-monitor signals. A second voltage programming input is provided for negative polarity units. Current programming allows the user to vary the unit’s current limit from 0 to 103% of maximum rated current. (Contact for price and availability.)

Spellman High Voltage Electron , Hauppauge , NY
Information 631-435-1600


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