The DeviceLinx XChip SoC networking system-on-chip coprocessor enables manufacturers to embed serial-to-Ethernet connectivity and web services into high-volume, price-sensitive products so they can be remotely managed. The chip enables a host microcontroller to function at maximum capacity without the burden of network-processing overhead.
The device includes an x86 class processor, an Ethernet MAC and 10/100 PHY, 256 Kbytes of zero wait-state SRAM, up to 11 GPIOs and a high-performance UART, a built-in Web server, and 256-bit AES encryption. It comes in a 12 x 12-mm BGA184 package, uses 1.8- and 3.3-V supplies, and operates over -40° to 85°C. (From $15 ea/10,000available now.)
Lantronix , Irvine , CA
Sales 949-453-3990
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