The traditional, glass-encapsulated reed switch is widely used in the electronics industry, but unlike other electronic devices, its size isn’t continuing to shrink dramatically: at a length of about 5 mm, it’s reached the practical limit at which it can continue to function. Enter the RedRock RS1-A-2515 MEMS-based reed switch from Coto Technology — its maximum dimensions of 2.18 x 1.10 x 1.10 mm give it a volume that is approximately 8X less than the smallest available conventional reed switch.
The single-pole, single-throw switch is the first commercially available example of a magnetically-operated electromechanical switch built using high-aspect-ratio MEMS (HARM) technology. Its combination of zero electrical power operation, very small size and high power switching capability is unique, and offers clear competitive advantages over technologies such as conventional reed switches, planar MEMS switches and active semiconductor switches using Hall or GMR technology. As such, it promises to make possible new types of medical, industrial, commercial, and consumer devices, to name just a few areas of potential application.
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