The SC471/SC471A/SC475A synchronous, PWM buck controllers integrate voltage-transitioning switches for on-the-fly voltage output changes and voltage margining. The SC471/A feature two FET switches to allow the output to change dynamically between up to four different levels and can be used as a voltage-margining controller for functionality and reliability testing of a system at upper and lower power supply voltage limits.
The SC475A controller has one FET switch to dynamically change the output voltage for processors that require a different voltage for normal operation and for sleep mode. All devices have a battery input range of 3 to 25 V, and an output range of 0.75 to 5.25 V as well as an above-average output voltage accuracy at ±0.85%. Housed in 16-pin MLP packages, the parts feature programmable current limit, output overvoltage protection, input undervoltage lockout, and overtemperature protection. (Ea/1,000: SC471/A, $0.86, SC475, $0.79available now.)
Semtech , Camarillo , CA
Sales 805-498-2111
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