In the interest of advancing the developing field that is drone technology, a Utah State University researcher has published a free 3D design program online that generates aerodynamic data and aircraft design.
The software, referred to as “MachUp,” provides in-depth aerodynamic information about a user’s aircraft project, explains program designer Doug Hunsaker, an assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at USU. It also offers training tutorials and how-to videos.
“Man was made to discover, create, and improve,” reads the mission statement on Hunsaker’s drone design site. “We are doing a disservice to the world if we do not use our talents and skills to benefit society and mankind. This is the best time in history to be involved in aircraft design.”
Per Hunskaer, the program is specially targeted for startup drone companies, and is meant to provide the tools necessary to design efficient and small drones/autonomous aircraft; that is, MachUp users design the drone while the program calculates information like lift, drag, stability, trim data, and more.
The program uses 3D web graphics to produce images in the browser; it relies on a dedicated server to perform the aforementioned aerodynamic computations. The fact that MachUp is free should prove tremendously useful for drone design companies, as similar programs are typically available for expensive licensing fees.
Drones are already used across a bounty of industries, including agriculture, research, cinematography, and more. As they see greater use in these industries, and begin seeing application elsewhere, the design of these autonomous aircrafts will likely change. This will lead to a greater need for aerospace test and measurement programs, and MachUp will be in prime position to capitalize on this need.
To learn more, or to give MachUp a try, visit the program’s website.
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