
CT10-G4’s Rugged Lead-Frame Design is a Feature AND a Benefit!

The reed switch has been a widely-used sensor technology since its invention nearly 80 years ago.  Over the decades, designs have evolved as modern reed switches have improved reliability by overcoming many of the issues associated with particle contamination, cracked glass and broken seals.  However, reed switches remain delicate, are easily broken, and, if not tested prior to shipment, may have high failure rates.

Case in point:  A leading global meter manufacturer reported a large failure rate using a competitive brand reed switch, which was delivering defective switches.  The causes were particle contamination, cracked glass and broken seals – all of which went undetected by the switch manufacturer prior to shipment.  The resulting cost to the meter manufacturer in service and repair was phenomenal – not to mention the losses suffered by the meter manufacturer’s customers whose meters were not functioning for long periods of time.   After learning about Coto’s rugged CT10-G4, 100% end-of-life tested switches, the meter manufacturer placed an order and tested them in the field and saved so much time and money that they have since switched their entire production line to use the Coto CT10-G4. Because Coto tests 100% of its switches prior to shipment, customers can be assured of receiving quality, non-defective product.  

Designed for applications requiring the utmost in reliability and ease of manufacture, Coto Technology’s CT10 series of reed switches provide industry leading reliability as the result of several key initiatives that start with the product design and extend to the manufacture and final testing of each reed switch.

For the most demanding applications, the Coto CT10-G4 reed switch, with its more robust lead-frame style leads ,also enhances reliability and solderability. The trade-off?  Due to its rugged lead frame, the CT10-G4 is slightly more expensive than Coto’s competitively-priced CT10-G2 model and has a 226 Degrees C process capability as opposed to 260 Degrees C.   However, in severe conditions, the benefits far outweigh the alternative.

The Test Summary (pictured above) was the result of a recent lot of Coto CT10-G4 molded switches.  Note that the Tester SYS320 detected close to 1% defects that would not have been revealed without 100% end- of-life testing – the equivalent reduction of 9,800 defects per Million. For the aforementioned meter manufacturer, that would be the annual equivalent of 37,240 defective parts!   With the SYS320, Coto can ensure that it ships only quality functional switches.


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