
Cypress’ CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 Bluetooth module, now at Mouser, minimizes design time for BLE development

This fully certified Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module is an easy-to-use solution for creating a complete BLE system with Bluetooth 4.2 features

Mouser Electronics, Inc. is now shipping the CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256K module from Cypress Semiconductor. This fully certified Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module is an easy-to-use solution for creating a complete BLE system with Bluetooth 4.2 features — data length extension, upgraded privacy, and enhanced security — all of which are critical for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The module’s compatibility with Cypress’s small-footprint (10×10×1.8mm) CYBLE-222014-01 Bluetooth 4.2 module makes it ideal for medical, home automation, and wearables applications. For more information, watch a short video at

Print_Cypress CY8CKIT-143

The Cypress CY8CKIT-143A Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) 4 BLE 256K module, available from Mouser Electronics, features a PSoC 4 BLE device with 256 KBytes of flash and 32 KBytes of SRAM, 24-MHz and 32.768-kHz crystals, a PCB antenna, and other passives while providing access to all 36 general-purpose inputs and outputs (GPIOs) of the device. PSoC 4 BLE is a 48-MHz ARM Cortex-M0 based single-chip solution that integrates a programmable analog front end, programmable digital peripherals, CapSensetouch-sensing technology, and includes a royalty-free stack and radio compatible with Bluetooth 4.2. The module’s programmable architecture supports a number of peripheral functions (such as ADC, timers, counters, and PWM) and serial communication protocols (including I2 C, UART, and SPI). 

The CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256K module can be used standalone with an external programmer like the CY8CKIT-002 MiniProg3 or plugged into the CY8CKIT-042-BLE Bluetooth Low Energy Pioneer Kit for easy prototyping with the PSoC Creator integrated development environment.

To learn more about the Cypress CY8CKIT-143A PSoC 4 BLE 256K module, visit


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