Cypress Solutions Library Now Offers Over 150 Design Elements
Over 20,000 Downloads in Just Over One Year at
SAN JOSE, Calif., June 24, 2009 – Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NYSE: CY) today announced that its online solutions library now offers more than 150 design elements addressing a wide range of applications and functions. Users have now performed over 20,000 downloads of design elements from the site. The Cypress Solutions Library website is a free resource of Intellectual Property (IP) that can be easily replicated for quick, effective design with Cypress’s flexible, programmable PSoC architecture, as well as for designs using Cypress’s USB and CyFi™ low-power RF technologies. The library can be accessed from the “Solutions” tab on the Cypress company website or directly at
The Cypress Solutions Library website’s IP elements provide complete solutions for specific functions, including capacitive sensing, I2C, battery charging, motor control and both wired and wireless connectivity. IP is available in the library for applications including consumer electronics, automotive, white goods and others. IP elements come in various types: technical documents, software and/or firmware and complete designs that include documentation, software/firmware, schematics, layout files and videos of the solutions in action.
“We’re very pleased to see the enthusiastic response to this resource from our user base,” said Nelson Chow, Solution Center director for Cypress. “Designers are using this library to implement designs more quickly and easily. We are continuously posting new design elements to add more value to the site.”
About Cypress
Cypress delivers high-performance, mixed-signal, programmable solutions that provide customers with rapid time-to-market and exceptional system value. Cypress offerings include the PSoC® programmable system-on-chip, USB controllers, general-purpose programmable clocks and memories. Cypress also offers wired and wireless connectivity technologies ranging from its CyFi™ Low-Power RF solution, to West Bridge® and EZ-USB® FX2LP controllers that enhance connectivity and performance in multimedia handsets. Cypress serves numerous markets including consumer, computation, data communications, automotive, and industrial. Cypress trades on the NYSE under the ticker symbol CY. Visit Cypress online at
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