DAA micromodule provides V.32bis interface
The 73M9001 data access arrangement (DAA) micromodule provides electrical
interface and isolation for connection of high-performance analog modem
designs to the public telephone network at rates up to 14,400 bits/s. The
phone line. The 73M9001 includes solid-state loop closure relay and
additional relay drivers; a 400-mW audio amplifier with digitally
selectable gain; receive and transmit signal prefiltering and 2-to-4 wire
conversion; ringing signal isolation and predetection; and signal
amplification and drivers for both inward and outward directions. Caller
identification capability is also included. (About $14 ea/10,
000–available now.) Silicon Systems, Tustin, CA Information
800-624-8999, ext. 151 Fax 714-573-6914