Darnell’s Power China call for papers deadline
The Call for Papers Deadline for Darnell’s Power China is rapidly approaching, http://dpc.darnell.com/guidelines.php
We have only a few slots open for papers. If you are planning on joining us in Shanghai in May for this important event, please contact Traci at conference@darnell.com as soon as possible to reserve a time slot.
A few opportunities are also open for Sponsoring, http://dpc.darnell.com/sponsorships.php and Exhibiting, http://dpc.darnell.com/exhibitorsInformation.php For details, contract Traci at tshepard@darnell.com or +1-951-279-6684, ext 251.
Darnell’s Power China will feature five primary areas of focus: Advanced Components, Digital Power, High-Efficiency Power Conversion, Innovation for Renewable Energy & Micro Grids and PwrSiP/PwrSoC. Within each of these broad areas will be multiple topics and application areas.
Advanced Components:
Topics may include: Latest developments in power conversion components to support advanced designs such as, semiconductor devices, advanced packaging, interconnect, thermal management, magnetic devices, capacitors, batteries, ultracapacitors, sensors, new materials, integrated passives, and so on.
Digital Power:
Topics may include: Technology-focused discussions including controllers and control loops, communications, power management, stability analysis, efficiency optimization, design tools, simulation and modeling, topologies, system partitioning between analog and digital, power quality and EMC, and so on.
High-Efficiency Power Conversion:
Topics may include: High-frequency power conversion, high-temperature operation, power system-in-chip solutions, power system-in-package solutions, high-density packaging developments, optimizing converter efficiencies, new topologies, advanced (analog or digital) control techniques, parasitics, EMI/EMC considerations, and so on.
Innovations for Renewable Energy & Micro Grids:
Topics may include: Integration of distributed generation resources, micro grids, power systems communications, power quality, instrumentation and monitoring, enabling demand side management, supporting plug-in hybrid vehicles, large scale energy storage, advanced metering infrastructure, visualization technologies, real-time cointrol methods, and so on.
Topics may include: miniaturization and integration of passive components, advances in high-frequency power conversion, new topologies and architectures, develpoments in packaging, multi-Megahertz switching, efficiency optimization, and so on.
In each case, the types of papers being sought include:
• Case studies/industry examples
• Design techniques and tools
• Technology developments
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