Data acquisition and ARB on same pc card
The WAAG III provides both data acquisition and arbitrary waveform
generator functions on the same IBM PC card. Either 25 MHz dual-channel or
50 MHz single-channel acquisition is available. Standard memory is 64
Kbytes per channel, with a 1 or a 4 Mbytes optional expansion RAM module
available. Other features include a two-range input attenuator,
simultaneous sampling on both channels, and a special segmented memory
mode that allows repeated “burst-mode” acquisition. The record length may
be programmed from 1 to the full memory size. Pre-trigger data is insured
in the normal nonsegmented mode by allowing for continuous sampling prior
to trigger. As a arbitrary waveform generator, the WAAG III provides a
single-channel output. Other attributes are shared with the acquisition
mode such as programmable record length and update rate, as well as
trigger level and source. A waveform of arbitrary length and pattern can
be produced in one-shot or continuous mode. ($1,495 — stock.) Markenrich
Corp. Duarte, CA Richard Goodpasture 818-359-9190 Fax 818-359-5223 EEM
FILE 2900