Data acquisition chips run on single +5 V
The LTC1293/4/6 are 12-bit A/D converters with on-chip sample and hold,
and two-, six-, and eight-channel multiplexers, respectively. Software
programmable features of the devices include 12-bit unipolar or
11-bit-plus-sign bipolar conversion, differential or single-ended inputs,
MSB first or MSB/LSB data sequence, and power shutdown. The LTC1296
includes a system shutdown output pin, which can be used to power down
external circuitry. All the devices have a maximum throughput rate and
conversion rate of 46.5 kHz and 12 microsecond, respectively. The devices
operate from +5- or +/-5-V supplies and come in 16-pin DIPs (LTC1293),
20-pin DIPs (LTC1294/6), and 20-pin SO packages (LTC1294). (From $12.95
ea/100–available now.) Linear Technology Corp. Milpitas, CA
Information 800-637-5545 Fax 408-434-0507