Data acquisition IC uses 1/3 the board space
The 16-bit, 1-Msamples/s ADAS3022 data acquisition IC is suited for power-line monitors, process and motor control, patient monitoring, and other industrial and instrumentation systems that operate within the ±10-V industrial range. Housed in an 6 x 6-mm 40-lead LFCSP package, the company also claims that this part uses one-third the board space of competing discrete devices — helping engineers simplify the design and reduce the size of advanced industrial data acquisition systems.
The IC integrates the company’s 16-bit PulSAR successive-approximation A/D converter core with high-impedance input buffers and a 7-stage on-chip PGIA. The part also includes an 8-channel, low-leakage multiplexer and precision low-drift 4.096-V reference. With eight data channels and delivering full 16-bit dynamic range, the new IC is optimized to interface with a wide range of sensors running from ±10 V to as low as ±640 mV.($14.95 ea/1,000 — available now)
By Christina Nickolas
Analog Devices , Wilmington , MA
Sales 800-262-5643
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