The DCmind DC brush type motors feature a noise level of only 35 db − about the sound of a whispered conversation – and 20 db less than the current standard motor. The product includes 15, 25 and 55 watt motors with a 42 mm diameter, and 55 and 104 watt motors with a 63 mm diameter that run on 12, 24 and 48 volts. The 42 mm/48 V unit runs at 3840 RPM no load, with 110 mNm at 3,000 RPM.
The motors high quality magnets, brushes and ball bearings and special shaping and balancing of rotor poles combine to reduce the energy dissipated through vibration and resonance levels, resulting in more than 80% efficiency and a minimum service life of 5000 hours. The units are approved in accordance with UL 10004-1, CE, and support IP56, IP67 and IP69K. (From $60.00 ea/production qty – stock to 12 weeks.
by Jim Harrison
Crouzet , Vista , CA
US Motor Sales 214-675-5433
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