Dc/dc converter meets MIL-STD-883
A 15-W dc/dc converter, the MHF+ series, uses the company's patented
Asymmetrical Power Transfer (APT) technology to increase output power up
to 25% over traditional dc/dc converters. It complies with MIL-STD-883.
Single or dual outputs are rated 5, 12, 15, +/-12, and +/-15 V. Input
voltage range is 16 to 40 V. Line and load regulation is 15 mV. Input
ripple current is 25 mA peak-to-peak, and output ripple voltage 40 mVp-p.
Efficiency is 82%. (From $296 ea/100–8 weeks ARO.) Interpoint Corp.,
Redmond, WA Susan Conley 206-882-3100 Fax 206-882-1900