The WDE series 75-W 1/8th brick features 4:1 input range from 9 to 36 and 18 to 75 Vdc. The output voltages are 24, 28 and 48 Vdc. All models offer isolated input to output and are housed in an encapsulated, five sided shielded enclosure. The case dimensions are 2.5 x 1.1 x 0.55-in.
The dc/dc converter series offers remote sense, trim and analog on/off. Efficiency is 90% typ while line and load regulation is 0.2% typ. Output noise is typically 1% of Vout. The switching frequency is 275 kHz. (Contact company for price and availability.)
Calex Mfg. ,Concord , CA
Paul Cuff 925-687-4411
Learn more about Calex Mfg.