
Digital RF synthesizer boards handle 300 MHz

Digital RF synthesizer boards handle 300 MHz

The Synth300-TRIG-HS PCI master card and any number of SYNTH300-TRIG two-channel slave boards can be combined to form a frequency-locked RF synthesizer. The master card incorporates two independent DDSs synchronized to an on-board low-phase-noise SAW-stabilized 1-GHz time base – each channel programmable between 300 KHz and 300 MHz in 0.233-Hz increments.

Digital RF synthesizer boards handle 300 MHz

Multiple Synth300-TRIG boards can be slaved to this master board, or an external oscillator, enabling a large number of channels in any low-cost PCI PC chassis. Each DDS-based synthesizer holds up to four independent frequency/phase profiles. Software provided includes a simple-to-use GUI. (Channel master, $2,995; two-channel PCI expansion board, $2,495— available now.)

Ultraview , Orinda , CA
Sales 925-253-2960


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