
DIY solar power can drive industry as subsidies decrease

DIY solar power can drive industry as subsidies decrease

By IdaRose Sylvester
Senior Correspondent, Footwasher Media

By 2020, California plans to generate 20,000 MW from renewable resources, one-third the current usage and triple the current renewable power, with 60% from “localized” sources, generated at or near consumption, such as roof-mounted solar panels or on covered parking lots ( Half the U.S. is legislating renewable requirements and supporting incentives for homes and businesses. However, elsewhere in the world, the government solar incentives are decreasing as capacity comes online, reducing incentive to add supply.

As subsidies decrease, small generators (homes and businesses) will shoulder the burden in the coming years. And while investments are focusing on materials and processes that bring down solar panel costs, the cost of labor is unchanged and becoming a higher percentage of installation cost. Smarter investments might be made in technologies that drive installation costs down and open a market for Do-it-Yourself (DIY) installation ( The current solar installation industry is not necessarily inclined to give away their business to their customers, making it preciously rare to find guides (–home-solar-power-system) regarding what must be done to create your own solar power system.

With some thought, the DIY installation project can make the effort cost effective and accessible to everyone. By considering power supplement needs, (e.g. a small 200W system can produce enough power to reduce the power used to heat a 6-person hot tub by almost half, with a modest investment of about $1000.) Return on investment should come within 5-7 years with a guarantee of 20 years of the panel. Local utilities require hiring of a certified electrician to make the grid connection, so, contact local utilities early ( for the requirements and approval process. ■


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