Designed using the company’s DuNE tuning technology, the PE64101 and PE64102 5-bit, 32-state digitally tunable capacitors (DTCs) enable wide-band tunable networks and minimize mismatch losses, improve system efficiency, and reduce radio complexity for cost-sensitive applications, such as RFID, phase shifters, and wireless communications, among others. The PE64102 has a tuning ratio of 7.4:1, and a capacitance range of 1.88 to 14.0 pF in 391 fF steps for shunt configuration, while the PE64101 features a tuning range of 4.3:1 and a capacitance range of 1.38 to 5.9 pF in 146 fF steps for shunt configuration.
Both devices are available in a 12-lead 2 x 2 mm QFN package and feature a power consumption of 75 µA in normal operation — 45 µA in standby — making them well suited for battery-powered portable applications. The devices also feature IIP3 linearity of 60 dBm across a wide tuning range, and are immune to latch up.
They are controlled by an SPI interface and can be mounted in series or shunt configuration. Also available are evaluation kits for measuring the impedance and loss of the DTCs. The kits include a USB interface board and cable., and are priced at $168.00 each. (ea/10,000; PE64101, $0.74; PE64102, $0.66 samples, prod qty, Jul2012)
By Christina Nickolas
Peregrine Semiconductor , San Diego , CA
Sales 858-731-9400
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