
DTV: Who’s tuned in?

DTV: Who’s tuned in?

Stop manufacturing TVs that are not digitally compatible if you really want to ensure nobody gets left behind

Are you aware that on Feb. 17, 2009, all broadcasting of analog television signals will cease? As someone whose career requires keeping up with the latest technological developments, chances are your answer is yes.

But what about those who do not follow technology as closely? Recent research from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) indicates that, at least up to this point, the majority of the general public is unaware of the impending changes.

According to an NAB study, 62% of consumers have “seen, read, or heard nothing” about the impending DTV transition. More than that, only 4% of the respondents were able to identify the correct year of the changeover.

I’m not shocked by these numbers. To date, there has been little, if anything at all, done to get the message out to consumers.

But, an NAB representative I spoke with assured me that the education/information campaign throttle will be shifted up to “full” in the coming months. Four to six 30-second PSAs are planned for completion by the end of the year, a “DTV Roadshow” will be spreading the message at venues such as sporting events and state fairs, and anchors from local television stations will engage in six to eight speakers bureaus over the next two years.

That’s not all. The NAB’s DTV Transition coalition is an impressive list of corporations and organizations, including the FCC, AARP, CSA, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Wal-Mart, and Goodwill. So, where’s the electronics industry in all of this?

A number of electronics manufacturers—including LG Electronics, Samsung, and RCA—are making set-top-boxes that will convert digital signals for legacy analog television sets. Past that, I wonder what responsibility television set manufacturers are taking upon themselves.

A good place to start is by eliminating the availability of televisions that are not digitally friendly, ie have a built-in digital tuner. At the very least, efforts should go toward letting buyers know up front that the shiny new TV they’re about take home might be obsolete in less than two years.

Electronics manufacturers should also be working toward educating retailers and consumers. How about putting those high-priced advertising agencies to work on some really great advertisements about the transition? Or, hiring high-profile celebrities to appear on TV ads?

I’m sure there are dozens of different ways electronics manufacturers can improve and bolster this effort. Hopefully, they will.

Ralph Raiola


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