Dual comparator has JFET input
The SPT9691 high-speed dual comparator has a common-mode input voltage
range of -4.0 to +8.0 V and a propagation delay of 3 ns. It incorporates a
differential JFET input for each comparator, which eliminates the need for
input drivers and buffers in most applications. The SPT9691 has a
tracking bandwidth of 300 MHz at -3 dB, open-loop gain of 60 dB, and an
input capacitance of 1 pF. In addition, the device has a differential
input voltage range of +/-10 V and typical input bias and offset currents
of +/-0.1 and +/-1 nA, respectively. The SPT9691 dissipates 800 mW max and
comes in 20-lead PLCCs, LCCs, plastic DIPs, and CerDIPs, as well as in
unpackaged dice. (From $16.40 ea/1,000–4 to 6 weeks ARO.) Signal
Processing Technologies, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO Rick Mintle
719-540-3914 Fax 719-540-3970