Dual CPU Processor with integrated mAgic VLIW DSP and an ARM7TDMI™ RISC MCU
DIOPSIS 740 is a Dual CPU Processor integrating a mAgic DSP and an ARM7TDMI™ RISC MCU, plus a total of 245 Kbytes SRAM. The system combines the flexibility of the ARM7TDMI RISC controller with the very high performance of the DSP. The DSP operates on a 32-bit integer and IEEE 754 40-bit extended precision floating-point numeric format, delivering 1 GFLOPS at a clock rate of 100 MHz. A rich set of peripherals and a 32-Kbyte internal memory provide a highly flexible and integrated system solution.
mAgic is a high performance VLIW DSP delivering 1 Giga floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS) at a clock rate of 100 MHz. It has 512 data registers, 16 address reg-isters, 10 independent operating units and 2 independent address generation units.
mAgic operates on 32-bit fixed-point and IEEE 754 40-bit extended precision floating-point numeric format. It has also on-chip 17K x 40-bit data memory locations and 8K x 128-bit program memory locations. Efficient usage of the internal program memory is achieved through a code compression mechanism.
The AT572D740 Diopsis dual ARM7 processor system-on-chip is said to be the first such device to include a complex-domain 40-bit-precision DSP. The part enables applications such as hands-free phones with high speech clarity, radar-based automobile collision avoidance, and professional quality audio for moderately priced home entertainment systems.