Dual processor VMEbus SBC comes in 3U format
The VM-30 is a 3U-size, VMEbus-based, single board computer. Using 5.5 W,
the dual-processor board consists of a 68EC030 for general operation and a
68302 intelligent multiprotocol processor (IMP) for communication control.
The VM-30 is designed for embedded control or real time and
telecommunication applications. It comes with an optional 68882 FPU and up
to 32 Mbytes of dynamic RAM. Sockets are provided for up to 1 Mbyte of
EPROM, 256 Kbytes of triported, battery-backed, static RAM, and a
real-time clock. Communication is via two RS-232-C/422/485 serial ports
and a connector for the manufacturer's 96-pin interface to compatible
piggyback modules. Real-time operating system support includes OS-9,
VRTXvelocity, and VxWorks. Development can be carried out on either a DOS-
or Unix-based platform. ($1,995–available now.) PEP Modular Computers,
Inc. Pittsburgh, PA Michael Bryant 800-228-1737; in PA, 412-921-3322
Fax 412-921-3356