Housed in a 16-pin LLP package, the LMH6515 digital-controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA) offers an 8-dB noise figure and a 40-dBm output intercept point (OIP3) at 70 MHz for WCDMA, GSM, and WiMAX receiver signal paths. It consumes 100 mA and operates at a supply voltage of 5 V.
In receiver applications, the part offers a maximum gain of 26 dB and a wide 31-dB gain adjustment range, with 600-MHz (–3-dB) bandwidth. It delivers gain adjustments in precise 1-dB gain steps—accurate to within 0.05 dB. ($5.25 ea/1,000available now.)
National Semiconductor
Santa Clara , CA
Sales 800-272-9959
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