
EDA software provides users with complete design solution


EDA software gives users complete design solution

Integrated front-to-back design environment links many different software

System Workbench is a comprehensive electronic design automation package
from Cadence Design Systems that links what were previously largely
disjointed functions into an integrated design environment. It combines
tools for design entry, PLD/FPGA design, simulation, physical design, and
board/system level analysis with design methodologies such as the
company's correct-by-design technology. Users can use either the
Cadence-supplied design flow or develop custom versions to manage tool
encapsulation, tool sequencing, and methodology automation. Helping to
integrate the different tools is Communications Manager, part of the
company's Design Framework II. Throughout the process, users can use
Cadence's correct-by-design methodology as a common constraints editor for
mapping design constraints across different processes. This way, they can
automatically verify that the physical implementation of the design does
not violate any specified electrical or physical constraint.
During design entry, the user can create logical designs without a
physical implementation in mind. The user can choose the company's
PLD/FPGA tools option to translate existing logic designs for PLD, ASIC,
or FPGA implementations. Also available is the Allegro CBD option for
applying physical design constraints to pc boards, multichip modules, and
hybrids. Throughout the design cycle, the user can also use the System
Workbench's closed-loop simulation methodology to apply timing
information. This allows the user to measure time delays for signal
transmission effects like crosstalk and verify timing simulation. Timing
information is transferred throughout the design process via the company's
standard delay format (SDF), an industry-standard data format for timing
constraints and delay estimates. An optional library of development tools
enables the user to choose from sets of standard parts libraries from
Cadence as well as hardware and software models from Logic Modeling Corp.
The user can both customize the libraries and add his own parts to them.
Systems Workbench will run initially on Sun and IBM workstations; other
platforms will be supported in the future. (Basic configuration, from $58,
000; library development option, $7,500–available now.) Cadence Design
Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA Laurel Stanley 508-256-2300, ext. 247 Fax


Systems Workbench gives users an integrated front-to-back design
environment for electronic systems.


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