eGaN FET features 200-V, 100-mΩ power transistor
The EPC2012 second-generation eGaN FET power transistor is a 1.6 mm2 200-VDS device with a maximum RDS(on) of 100 mΩ with 5 V applied to the gate. The device has an increased pulsed current rating of 15 A (compared with 12 A for the EPC1012), is fully enhanced at a lower gate voltage, and has superior dv/dt immunity due to an improved ratio of QGD /QGS .
Applications for the eGaN FET include high-speed dc/dc power supplies, PoL converters, Class D audio amplifiers, hard-switched and high-frequency circuits. Also available is the EPC9004 companion development board to facilitate design of high-frequency switching power conversion systems. ($2.10 ea/1,000 — available now.)
By Paul O’Shea
Efficient Power Conversion , El Segundo , CA
information 310-615-0279
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