History is bound to repeat itself and the square monitor, like the massively-sized mobile phone, is back, baby! Generally speaking, most monitors/displays adhere to the strict religious order of following a 16:9, 16:10, or 21:9 (rarely) aspect ratio, so seeing a press release for a 1:1 monitor in tail end of 2014 made me feel like I was back in the early 2000’s. Yet, the reality of it is that while square-shaped displays have gone away from the consumer space, they most likely remained in the medical field or in factory floors, reinventing themselves into touch-displays for one apparatus or another. EIZO’s 1920×1920 resolution display brings this style back into consumer electronics with the added benefit of modern-day pixel count.
Yes, the FlexScan EV2730, as the monitor is called, features 3.7 megapixels, the same as a 2560×1440 display. While EV2730 technically fits into the 1440p category, it’s not intended as a gaming monitor as the vertical space is better suited for computer programming, word processing, or graphic design; essentially, people who typically benefit from using multiple monitors. People like myself.
EV2730Q includes 16.8 million color display with a 178 degree viewing angel, a 300 nit brightness, a 1000:1 contrast ratio, 5ms gray-to-gray response time, and a maximum rate of 60 Hz. There’s two built in 1W speakers and a 2-port USB 2.0 Hub, but honestly, who really uses monitor speakers anyway?
While EIZO has announced that the monitor will be available beginning the first quarter of 2015, it has yet to disclose the suggested retail price.
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