The family of Smart Force dc/ac electroluminescent (EL) inverters target display and device applications that need to power EL backlit LCDs. Composed of the JLa and LPS series, the vacuum-encapsulated plug-and-play inverters automatically adjust operating voltage and frequency as the lamp ages and changes.
The LPS and JLA series offer inputs of 5, 9, 12, 15, and 24 V and outputs of 60, 80, 100, 120 Vrms. They have operating temperatures from 25 to 85C. The JLA series is designed to power EL lamps used to backlight LCDs. The LPS series powers conventional foil EL lamps used in a variety of backlighting applications. ($5.83 ea/1,000 available now.)
Endicott Research Group , Endicott , NY
Jim Rising 800-215-5866
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