Electronic Products (EP) has a new editor-in-chief, and I thought you might like to meet him (me). There are also changes in the wings for the publication to better serve your interests and needs. So let's get down to it and find out what's new!
I'm Rich Quinnell, the just-minted editor-in-chief for this publication. Some of you may already know my name. I have, after all, been around the electronics industry for quite some time (40+ years — yikes!), both as a technology journalist and as a practicing design engineer.
It all began with a BSEE from the University of Maryland (U of Md) and 10 years as a design engineer in the Space Electronics Department of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). I then moved into medical electronics, working on surgical lasers and digital radiographic imaging. Along the way came an MS in Applied Physics from JHU and doctoral studies in quantum electronics, communications, and computer design at the U of Md.
My move into journalism started with a job at EDN and the EDN News Edition. After more than 10 years at EDN covering integrated circuits, I moved on to publications such as Silicon Strategies, Computer Design, and Test and Measurement World. More recently came work on specialty websites Microcontroller Central and IoT World. Then it was back to EDN and to EE Times, where I handled the Systems Design and Industrial Control sections. Now, I am helping to revitalize EP.
My aim is to build EP into a resource on electronic products that can empower design decisions. To that end, we will be working with a number of other established media properties, such as EE Times, EDN, and EBN, along with counterparts in China, India, and Japan, and even European media. We are working together toward the goal of helping design engineers solve the world's difficult challenges. A check at the bottom of the webpage will provide you with links to some of these media, but there are many others.
During the course of 2017, you can expect to see changes in EP. We will be sharpening the focus of our stories, both to add technical depth in the form of detailed product roundups and selection guides and to help celebrate great product design as well as inspire even more innovation. The site's appearance will likely change as well, making it easier to find what's new as well as drill down into detail. We also hope to provide you with peeks into what is happening at our partner media properties.
Such change is exciting, but it also is risky. We could end up changing the wrong things. Our goal is to better serve you, our readers, so while things are still in flux, let us know how we're doing. What do you want from EP? What should we be doing more of, and less? Are there features you want to see, topics you want us to cover, information you want more of?
There are plenty of ways for you to let us know what you want. Share and Favorite articles and stories you like. Leave praise and critiques on our articles. Or use our Contact Us page to send us your comments, choosing the editorial option in the “…regard to…” drop-down menu.
With the rise of trends such as platform-based product design, cloud-based development tools, and the Internet of Things, electronic product development is entering a time of exceptional growth and change. EP will be adapting to meet the needs of both traditional and new designers. Help me guide that adaptation and, together, we'll make EP your go-to place for electronic product information.
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